Seafood has long been an important product that is consumed around the world. And for exporting countries, it is an important part of economic well-being.

The following is a look at the top seafood exporting countries, including fish, shellfish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other aquatic invertebrates.

China was the leading seafood exporter in 2019. Year-end exports totaled $12.47 billion. At the same time, compared to 2018, the volume of exports decreased – so, in 2018, exports were $13.25 billion. Frozen shrimp and fish, as well as shellfish, were among the top exports.

In second place in 2019 was Norway – here seafood exports reached a mark of 11.67 billion dollars. The main importers of Norwegian seafood are European countries, as well as the United States.

The third place among seafood exporters is occupied by India. In 2019, its exports totaled $6.14 billion. The main buyers of Indian seafood are the United States, as well as Southeast Asian countries (25% and 25.7%, respectively). In addition, 20% of exports go to European Union countries.

Chile ranks fourth in seafood exports in 2019. Exports totaled $5.78 billion. Chilean seafood is shipped to the United States, Brazil, and Japan. In addition, a significant portion of Chilean exports go to EU countries. Compared to 2018, exports in 2019 are down slightly, from $5.88 billion to $5.78 billion.

Rounding out the top five is Vietnam, whose seafood exports totaled $5.60 billion in 2019. As of 2012, more than 5 million people are employed in the industry, and Vietnamese seafood is exported to Japan and other Southeast Asian countries.

Canada ranks sixth in seafood exports. According to 2019 data, exports totaled $5.17 billion. Canada exports crab, shrimp, salmon, and other types of seafood. Compared to 2018, Canada’s exports are up significantly, with only $4.92 billion in 2018.

In seventh place was the U.S. with exports of $4.87 billion. It is noted that over the past five years, exports have increased by 43%, which is also due to an increase in the price of U.S. seafood.

The Netherlands
The ninth place is taken by the Netherlands. Seafood exports for 2019 were $4.64 billion. The main buyers of Dutch seafood are Germany (18.7%), Belgium (15.3%), France (12.5%), Italy (9.1%) and Spain (6.5%).

Rounding out the top 10 is Sweden, which exported $4.38 billion worth of seafood in 2019. It is one of the largest seafood exporters in the European Union. The Swedish fishing industry is an important part of the country’s economic well-being.